Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Big Idea For The Day

Every morning the girls come down from their room and snuggle in bed with mom and dad before getting the day started. It is a pretty nice way to start the day, except on the occasions when mom and dad really want to sleep in. The girls have mastered the art of making us grumpy by sticky feet in faces, elbows in backs and fighting over who gets to be in the middle.

I am not a morning person, so I tend to get pretty grumpy, pretty fast when this happens. Mary has reminded me that we should enjoy this time because soon the girls will be too big to snuggle and will be looking for ways to stay away from us. So I am learning to love that random kick in the groin. It's really a sign of love from them.

On most days we turn on the TV in the bedroom and catch PBS Kids programming. The schedule changes around every few months or so, but we can usually count on catching Dragon Tales, Arthur or Clifford before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. Lately we've been watching a lot of Clifford. This is a sweet show.

This morning I came to a realization about why I stop and watch this one with the girls. There is always a nice message that is relayed to the kids. A lot of shows have a message or moral to the story, but somehow this one hits home stronger. Perhaps it is because the creators have chosen to be up front that there is a lesson to be learned from each show. They end each show with Clifford's "Bid Idea" of the day. Other shows are not as overt. Their lessons are weaved throughout the show and are more or less situational examples without clear statements about what it is the kids should have learned about in that episode.

I did a little searching on the web and found a site for Clifford. On it was listed Clifford's "Big Ideas". They are simple, to the point and can apply to kids and adults alike. In fact, I think they have practical application in business too. So for those that I work with, please pay heed. I will try to follow Clifford's "Big Ideas" of the day. I will try to:

Be A Good Friend.
Be Kind.
Be Truthful.
Be Responsible
Believe in Yourself. (or myself as it maybe)
Have Respect.
Help Others.
Play Fair.
Work Together.

That is my big idea for the day.

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